Contact Possum Pop
If you are writing to ask a question about opossums, please check our FAQs page first to see if the answer can be found there.
Very Important Please Read: If you have e-mailed me a question or comment recently to which I have not replied, please re-send as the e-mail account I have used for years suddenly quit recognizing my password a few days ago. Having received no reply from the webmaster regarding this problem, I am now forced to use another e-mail account. My apologies for this inconvenienec.
Also, please enter your e-mail address very carefully. Even though you must type the address exactly in both fields for your message to send properly, I still often receive queries with bad return addresses. Sometimes these are letters requesting help for rescued animals, but my reply is returned to me due to an invalid address. Without a proper address I have no way to get in touch with you. Please triple-check the accuracy of your address before sending your comment or question. Thanks. |